Suite 506, Level 5 , Westfield Office Towers, Parramatta, NSW- 2150
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy

Do you know you can have your current abilities, knowledge and skills recognised and receive national accreditation? The Recognition of Prior Learning process(RPL for short) is designed to enable you to match your knowledge and skills against the learning outcomes of a unit so that you can be given credit for that unit in a course.

The RPL system is different to the normal entry requirements for a course in that it takes into account not only the formally gained skills you may have, but also any relevant learning that you have acquired throughout your working life or life experience.


Who can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning?
Anyone that wishes to complete either a whole course or some individual units in a nationally accredited course at Capital Careers can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning.

In deciding whether you will be given credit for a unit, the following will be given consideration:

  • Is your prior learning relevant to the course?
  • Is your knowledge and skill current? Some fields of study change so rapidly that a skill achieved in the past may no longer be relevant or acceptable.
  • Is your knowledge and skill appropriate to the level of the unit or course?
  • Is it transferable? A skill should be applicable to a number of settings and situations
  • Is it authentic? You will have to provide evidence that you have the right knowledge and skill.

Providing Evidence
It is essential that you provide enough information about your previous learning experience with adequate supporting evidence. If you are new to your current job you may need to provide supporting evidence from your previous employer. Our program adviser will be available to answer any questions you have about this stage.


What evidence should you provide?
In most cases you will be assessed for RPL on the basis of three types of evidence:

  • your assessment of your own skills and knowledge
  • a statement from your workplace supervisor, peers or trainer
  • documentary evidence you supply to support your application.

Evidence of relevant knowledge and skill will sometimes include all three types. In addition you may be asked to attend an interview.


Assessment of your claim
During this stage your claim is assessed. This may be done by an individual or by a panel. If there are any queries, you may be asked to attend an interview to clarify your evidence or to submit more information. From here you will be notified of a decision about your application for RPL, if your application was unsuccessful you may appeal for reconsideration.

Just contact us if you would like more information about the RPL process. We have RPL advisers who can work with you to make the process easier.

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